Blog Posts/Our News

What does a Lasting Power of Attorney do?
Lasting Powers of Attorney (LPA) What are they? This is an important legal document in which you (the donor) appoint people your trust (attorneys) to be able to make decisions for you in the event that you become unable to make them yourself or should you decide not to

Common myths about LPAs (Lasting Powers of Attorney)
SLS have been helping clients with important legal documents for years. Here are some of the common myths about LPAs that we have heard. ONE I’m too young to have an LPA. This is a silly one… Sadly, you can lose your capacity at any time and one of the

Planning Probate at Christmas and New Year
The festive period is normally a happy time, a time for giving and receiving but for many also a time of reflection. We also to look ahead at the coming year, to set our goals and make those New Year’s resolutions then promise ourselves to actually stick to them this

Writing your Will in 2022
SLS Wills and More had a very exciting 2021 and we helped more clients than ever before. In 2022 we are excited to have welcomed Shaun to join us as a consultant which means that we are going to be able to help even more clients. Shaun joins Sara and

Welcome Shaun to the team!
Join us in welcoming Shaun to the team here at SLS Wills and More. We are really excited to welcome Shaun onboard who joins Sara and Kim supporting our clients with estate planning. Shaun is pleased to introduced himself and has said the following: “My name is Shaun Everett and

When is the right time to create your Lasting Power of Attorney?
First of all, a Lasting Power of Attorney is a document that is created and used during your lifetime (whilst you’re living). This is the opposite to a Will which is created whilst you’re living but actioned or used when you pass away. Both are incredibly important. A Lasting Power

How can I protect my estate from a Will being challenged?
This is an incredibly complicated subject and one that we are starting to hear more about as time goes on in the profession. There are lots of reasons why someone may want to benefit from an estate and the reasons that we hear a lot are; The term given to

Football and Will Writing
The lives of football players and their levels of wealth often seems like a world away for many people but we can use them as an example when it comes to estate planning. In this short article, we’re going to take a few stories from the press about footballers and

3 reasons why doing nothing is a BAD idea with Wills
We are obviously advocates of estate planning. We run a Will Writing business after all so you know our advice is more likely to be ‘you need a Will’ rather than the opposite. BUT… and here is the thing; we will only provide what we believe to be the correct

Keeping your Will up to date in 2022 (6 reasons why estate planning is vital)
There are a few things to think about in 2022 with considerations like the rising cost of living etc. With everything seemingly increasing in cost whether its energy bills, the cost of property, the second hand car market or even, dare we say it – Freddo Bars, you should consider

Writing your Will with SLS Wills and More
One thing is for certain, death and taxes are inescapable. What matters is when you take action and how much you plan. What precautions you take will have an important impact on your loved ones. Just know that at some point, we’ll all pass away. The important question to ask

What if it all goes wrong? – A Will writing disaster
It is never nice to think about our own demise. Many of us feel invincible but the sad truth is that, at some point, we are all going to shuffle off this mortal coil. If that isn’t bad enough, imagine everything that could possibly unfold after we have gone, going

Should you write your own Will?
A Will is the most important legal document you will ever make. In England and Wales, your Will must conform to the Wills Act 1837 and the way that it is drafted and the clauses used can have a huge impact on the effects and protection it affords. Most people

Why I joined the Society of Will Writers’ Professional Standards Board
By Sara Sheppard – FSWW TEP As you all know I am a Fellow of the Society of Will Writers (FSWW), and when I first started SLS Wills and Law in 2017, I was looking for an additional governing body to enhance my business, to benefit me in my career

Divorce and Wills – a cautionary tale
Wills are complicated documents at the best of times and when we throw complex family matters into the arena they have the potential to create a powder keg which could explode into a plume of additional problems. Let’s go back to basics: When a couple divorces, their existing Will is

The Importance of Writing a Will
Over the last few years we have experienced some troubling and challenging times. We have seen Covid and the challenges that has bought. More recently we’re dealing with the loss of HM Queen Elizabeth II and the national grief. Financially and economically, things are pretty turbulent and many of us

Everything you need to know about Lasting Powers of Attorney
An LPA or Lasting Power of Attorney is a legal document that allows you (‘The Donor’) to appoint someone you trust (your ‘attorney’) to make decisions on your behalf should you lose the capacity to do so yourself or should you choose not to make decisions for yourself. This could

A tribute to Angela Lansbury
We woke up to the sad news that Angela Lansbury has sadly passed alway in her sleep a day before her 97th birthday. The actress truly was a treasure and will have been known to people, young and old for her roles in ‘Murder, She Wrote’, as well as being