Football and Estate Planning

Football and Estate Planning

Many of us have lost our partners or husbands to the sofa over the last week with the start of the euros and it got us thinking. We were looking to find a tenuous link between football and estate planning and we found one… (not ideal of course)…


Initially we were going to do a piece about how footballers (many of whom are very handsomely paid for their craft) need to protect, preserve and pass on their wealth and then the sad instance occurred in the Denmark game when, Christian Eriksen sadly collapsed in an off the ball incident and needed urgent medical attention.


The incident has been seen by many and whilst we won’t be commenting on whether or not we believe the cameras should have panned elsewhere, it was no less troubling to hear about.


Christian Eriksen was only 29 and had no history of heart conditions according to medical professionals so his collapse on the pitch came as a shock to many. It has prompted many conversations across our profession from both estate planning professionals and by life insurance specialists about how we must plan for the unexpected.


I wanted to echo these sentiments in light of the events that shook the footballing world this weekend.


Better to have documents in place and not need them for years than not to have them at all when needed.


It also raises the point about needing income protection perhaps and life insurance…


We’re not insurance specialists but we are the go-to estate planning firm and can help you put your Will and LPAs in place.


Contact us today to book your appointment.

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